Plumbing & Heating

Need help?

To request a repair to a plumbing, heating or mechanical services system or to report a fault, please go to the Helpdesk.


The Mechanical Services team manages the University’s mechanical services systems including:

  • central boiler houses and associated heating distribution networks
  • heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems
  • hot and cold water systems
  • sewage and sump pumps
  • natural gas installations
  • lifts


Safety first

All mechanical services systems work must be approved by the Estates Services’ Mechanical Engineer and comply with the current edition of the M&E Design Philosophy. You can also find guidance from the University’s Safety Office.

Only mechanical contractors approved by Estates Services are authorised to carry out any work on the University’s mechanical services systems.


Find out more

Our work focuses on:

  • reactive maintenance – repairing plant when it breaks

  • planned preventative maintenance – carried out at periodic intervals

  • testing and inspection – statutory testing of water and refrigerant systems

  • replacement and upgrading of plant.

We also support the delivery of mechanical services by the Capital Projects team by providing specialist knowledge regarding design and installation during the construction phase of building projects.

Another important area of our work is to support the Environmental Sustainability team in the delivery of carbon savings. Find out more by visiting the Environmental Sustainability website.

For advice and guidance relating to mechanical preferred suppliers please contact the team on

Need help?

To request a repair or report a fault please visit



Policy Statement

Gas safety S6/09



Contact us

For plumbing, heating and mechanical services: